5 Important EHR Functions Your Practice Needs To Succeed

The healthcare industry has experienced rapid improvements in technology, and EHR Solution are quickly becoming the standard in the medical field. The EHR systems have made it very easy to track patient health data and keep track of medications. With improved capabilities and inter-exchangeability of information, EHR systems provide a meaningful relationship between the physician and the patient. It also helps eliminate billing errors, but that’s not all. Here are the 5 important functions of an EHR system that will make your practice a success.


1.The Flexibility of Workflows

Specialty-specific processes boost efficiency, so selecting an EHR Solution Provider who can handle all aspects of your practice is crucial. The most significant benefit of having specialty-specific software for your practice is streamlined workflow, enhanced documentation, billing, and many more.

It’s critical to have a system that can adapt to the demands of health professionals and patients to save time, money and improve patient outcomes. Practice-specific documentation such as specialty templates and forms should be customizable for your specialty.

The health system in the USA is constantly changing, and practices of all sizes embrace value-based treatment. Streamlining and managing efficient treatment relies heavily on specialty software solutions. The complexities of adopting new software and training employees might be frightening, but the long-term advantages far exceed the difficulties.


2.Multimodal Inputs

EHR functionality with specialty-specific software solutions allows practitioners to concentrate on the patient by simplifying and automating workflows and administrative duties. The better for everyone is to dedicate more effort and time to the patients and less time and energy to appointment setting, documenting, and other responsibilities. Speciality-specific forms and templates for CC/HPI, ROS, Physical examinations, and plan notes should be created to make the specialists workflow easier.

Another great function in multimodal input is voice recognition technology’s NLP or natural language processing features allow spoken words to be processed into free text. This can cut the huge medical transcription costs for medical practices.

It’s critical to proofread material before accepting it to maintain record correctness. The opportunity for speaking medical professionals to quickly check the document in the EHR after employing speech recognition technology eliminates mistakes and enhances accuracy.


3.Comprehensive Document Management

As a medical practice, you have many important patient documents to store and track. Patients may need to sign the consent forms. Providers may need their patients to fill questionnaires and assessment forms. An EHR can solve this problem by providing the document templates that can be easily modified and shared with patients electronically.

Many doctors use EHR software to go paperless, but conventional faxing keeps them bound to paper papers. Health care firms may remove a significant source of paper consumption by using virtual fax services, bringing them one step closer to becoming paperless.

The requirement to scan, fax papers into the EHR and enclose them to patient records is eliminated with comprehensive document management. Incoming faxes may be directly attached to patients records, eliminating the need to scan fax documents into the EHR, locate the patient record, and upload the scanned fax.

Taking advantage of the benefits gained by incorporating fax into the EHR allows health care companies to maximize their usage of the EHR functionality and realize its full potential.



Over 95% of hospitals in the United States employ a certified EHR system, and the advantages are apparent. EHR platforms improve treatment continuity, make data gathering easier, lower administrative costs, and lower death rates among the chronically sick.

Telehealth and EHR technologies, when utilized jointly, may dramatically enhance the practices efficiency. Many telehealth providers have already built their systems to be compatible with popular EHR platforms, allowing patient data to flow seamlessly from one interface to the next. Integrating an EHR software with a telehealth service can help businesses get the most out of this technology, improving clinical practices.

Mobile EHR and telemedicine integration will benefit practitioners and healthcare facilities to access patient records and meet patients from anywhere at any time. Integrating these two systems increases information flow, reduces the risk of human error while updating patient data, enhances clinical outcomes, and streamlines the billing process. Providers wishing to install a telemedicine system should search for one that functions with their existing EHR.


5.Patient Engagement

If you run a small clinic, you’re probably considering using patient engagement solutions to expand your patient base. Look for systems with features like online form filling for new patients since this will save time for crowded practices.

Many EHR systems include a patient portal that allows patients to see their medical information whenever they want. A patient portal is a system that lets helps patients manage their healthcare by giving them accessibility to their clinical data and allowing them to:

  • Setting up appointments
  • Requesting a prescription refill
  • Getting ready for a visit by filling out intake forms
  • Online bill payment
  • Receiving health notifications
  • Getting health education from the clinic.
  • Message/emailing their doctor

The healthcare business has enormous potential to increase patient engagement and empower individuals to handle their treatment in the digital era. Put your EHR system to work and see how better your patient care will be.



Although implementing a new EHR system is a substantial commitment for your clinic, the benefits of enhanced interoperability, easier patient data exchange, and reduced administrative workload can pay off in the long run. Find the ideal EHR for your clinic and emphasize the horizon.

We understand the journey will be difficult, but Nexus will be there to help you along the way. If you’d like to talk about the prospect of collaborating on your work or if you have any queries, contact us today.

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EHR has completely transformed the healthcare industry, and in upcoming times we can see some big changes in it too. It would be absolutely accurate to say that it is a digital alternative to traditional paper records.
Today, EHR has become an essential part of healthcare providers' lives as it allows healthcare providers to access accurate and up-to-date patient information at any time.
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